Call Center Monitoring for Emergency Services


  • Ana Kobiashvili
  • Nodar Darchiashvili
  • Tea Todua



Speech recognition applications can increase the efficiency of simple tasks and greatly expand the range of tasks that call center operators perform. To increase the productivity of the public security management center, a software module was created which analyzes incoming calls, converts them into text form and places this text in the database. Operators are given the opportunity to read the call text after the end of the call to better understand its content and to improve the quality of the corresponding response. The article discusses the module, which was created to convert the incoming calls into text form. The service is a .NET Core Web API application created using the C# programming language. It uses a NuGet package to communicate with Google’s Speech service. The components of the system are described, the JSON format of the message is given, the structure of the database is discussed, the corresponding software codes of the module are given. The article also shows the customer irritating factors, analyzes the situations that create a series of calls, presents the results of customer surveys, which relate to the needs of customers in terms of waiting time. The paper discusses the mechanism for prioritizing calls, the algorithm for its implementation, as well as ways to manage non-targeted calls. The article shows the pros and cons of a system for queuing priorities.



Darchiashvili N., Kobiashvili A. (2020). Call Center Data Analysis and Monitoring Electronic System. Georgian Technical University, Proceedings, Automated Systems, N1(30), Tbilisi, pp. 54-61
Kobiashvili A., Darchiashvili N., Gegechkori M. (2019). Text Recognition Technology from the Conversation. Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems of the Georgian Technical University, Proceedings, #23,Tbilisi, pp.171-177
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How to Cite

Kobiashvili, A., Darchiashvili, N., & Todua, T. (2024). Call Center Monitoring for Emergency Services. Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, 8(2), 23–30.