Development of Internet of Things (IoT) and its Impact on the Healthcare Industry


  • Artem Sologhashvili



The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to modernize healthcare through remote patient monitoring, disease management, and improved health outcomes. IoT devices, such as wearables and sensors, can collect and transmit data in real time, enabling healthcare providers to make informed and timely decisions. This paper examines the current state of the Internet of Things in healthcare, the opportunities presented by the Internet of Things, and the challenges faced during implementation. This paper first describes the benefits of IoT in healthcare, including improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and increasing access to care. We look at a variety of IoT devices used in healthcare, including wearables, smart implants, and medical sensors. This paper also outlines the challenges facing the use of IoT in healthcare, including data security, privacy issues, and regulatory issues. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future of IoT in healthcare and its potential impact on the healthcare industry.



Journal of emerjing technologies and innovative research (JETIR) (ISSN-2349- 5162).An international Scholarly Open Access, Peer-reviewed Refereed Journal

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. ISSN 0973-4562. Volume 13,Number 15 (2018) pp. 11984-11989. http://
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056. Volume: 09 Issue: 12
| Dec 2022




How to Cite

Sologhashvili, A. (2024). Development of Internet of Things (IoT) and its Impact on the Healthcare Industry. Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, 8(2), 46–57.