An Empirical Investigation of Implementing Pattern Recognition Applications in Executive Career Success
As for information technology advancement plays significant role into many other fields of sciences, the demand for sufficientsoftware increases. In previous work we outlined the usage of pattern recognition applications in one of the branch of psychologyknown as Physiognomy. Using face recognition applications we distinguished different types of persons and tried todemonstrate importance of personal types. In this present work there is discussion on pattern recognition algorithms as a toolof object detection. If in previous paper there was highlighted the possible reasons of students’ low GPA rate at University,here in this article we try to apparent why successful people are successful. Face characteristic traits and image processingtechniques together can propose better future for human life.Downloads
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Dedabrishvili, M., & DATUASHVILI, D. (2014). An Empirical Investigation of Implementing Pattern Recognition Applications in Executive Career Success. Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, 2(2), 13–20.