Computer Based Medical Art Applications In 3D Animated Films case study: “The Inner Life Of The Cell”


  • Yasemin Kılınçarslan



At the present day interdiciplinary studies has been gaining big importance. Especially scientific studies has been using thecomputer based designs. In historical period, medical illustrations had been created to express the scientific inventions andobservations about human body. The first attempts of these can be seen in the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci’s illustrations. Heis the first medical illustrator and artist. Medical art sustains an information about medical and scientific discourse to everdaylife in which public opinion is formed. Additional, the space aimed discoveries is tansformed to human body. It is an importantcosmos changing. Unknown has been searching for in the human body instead of outside of the world. It is apperant that,diffirent philosophical paradigms should be evaluated in the field of both medical and visual arts. In this study, the scientificartistic production of 3D animation film of “Inner life of the cell” which was produced and created by Harvard University will beanalysed in the light of scientific artistic dimensions. Every activations innerside of a cell is like a simulation of the real world inwhich all the live organisms and social life relations are shaped. Hence, it can be seen as an scientific artistic dramatic production.In this study, all these dimensions will be analysed through visual materials.

Author Biography

Yasemin Kılınçarslan

Faculty of Communication




How to Cite

Kılınçarslan, Y. (2014). Computer Based Medical Art Applications In 3D Animated Films case study: “The Inner Life Of The Cell”. Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, 2(2), 55–61.


