Calculation of standard molar enthalpy and Gibbs free energy of formation anhydrous silicates


  • Archil SARUKHANISHVILI Georgian Technical University
  • Ekaterine MATSABERIDZE Georgian Technical University
  • Marina KAPANADZE Georgian Technical University
  • Maia MSHVILDADZE Georgian Technical University
  • Tamar LOLADZE Georgian Technical University International Black Sea University



Thermodynamic parameters, standard molar values, crystallochemical classification, framework, layer, chain, ringed silicates, sorosilicates, nesosilicates, correction and leveling structural components


In the present work a method for calculating the standard molar enthalpy and Gibbs free energy of formation anhydrous silicates is proposed.
The method is based on the principles of structural analogy and additivity of properties involving thermodynamics of substances and information
on parameters which are considered insufficiently defined. Testing of the proposed method at thermodynamic evaluation of reactions,
involving anhydrous silicates, has yielded positive results - chemical equilibrium estimation error does not exceed 1-3%.

Author Biographies

Archil SARUKHANISHVILI, Georgian Technical University

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Ekaterine MATSABERIDZE, Georgian Technical University

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Marina KAPANADZE, Georgian Technical University

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Maia MSHVILDADZE, Georgian Technical University

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Tamar LOLADZE, Georgian Technical University International Black Sea University

Department of Metallurgy, Metals Science and Metal Processing

Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering




How to Cite

SARUKHANISHVILI, A., MATSABERIDZE, E., KAPANADZE, M., MSHVILDADZE, M., & LOLADZE, T. (2015). Calculation of standard molar enthalpy and Gibbs free energy of formation anhydrous silicates. Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, 4(1), 17–21.


